Fleksy Update Brings Smarter Editing, Increased Accuracy & More


Fleksy, the revolutionary new Android keyboard App, has received another pretty solid update which brings a mass of new features and performance/stability enhancements.

One of the main features of this update is the implementation of ‘smarter editing,’ which effectively means that URL’s, Email addresses and other forms of manual editing will no longer be auto-corrected. This was an issue in the previous version of Fleksy because it did not accept/recognize that there could not be any spaces in a web address so consequently the app kept splitting the words by inserting unwanted spaces.

Fleksy has also eliminated the loading time which occurred the first time you restarted your device and toggled the keyboard, which will now enable your device to have the power to open more applications and use them in the multitasking sequence.

This update also includes several enhancements for increased accuracy of typing and the enforcement of autocorrect in most fields as well as various different bug fixes which aid to enhance the performance and fluidity of the app.

The full changelog for version 2.4 (Accuracy, Editing, Tutorial!) can be seen below:

  • Significantly increased Accuracy. Especially in smaller words
  • New interactive Tutorial. Be a Fleksy Expert!
  • Reduced memory by 20%. Eliminated loading!
  • Smarter editing: Web/Email Addresses/Manual edits won’t be corrected
  • Simpler delete: Flick Left always deletes words. Toggle
  • Enabled Autocorrect in most fields. Including Chrome bar
  • Words learned won’t be capitalized unless intended
  • Bugs squashed [Whatsapp smileys, landscape, Phonebook,+]

If you would like to download the Fleksy keyboard, you will need to join its beta test group on Google+, you can do that by clicking here, then click the source link below to download the app.