Google Maps now measures the distance between multiple locations


Google Maps now gives users the ability to measure the distance between two or more locations simply my placing markers down on a map. The feature, available only in Maps on the web for now, lets users choose a starting point and then creates a path to each additional “measuring point.”

When you use Google Maps to find driving directions, you’ll see how far away your destination is by road. But Google’s new measuring feature tells you the direct distance between two or more locations — and it’s super simple to use.

If you’re using the new Google Maps web app, simple find your starting point, then right click on it and choose “Measure distance.” You can then click anywhere on the map to place a new measuring point and Maps will automatically calculate the distance to that point.

You place multiple measuring points — as shown in the graphic above — as well as edit your route by dragging points to move them and clicking them again to remove them. The total distance for the route is displayed beneath the search box at the top of the map.

If you’re using the classic Google Maps interface, you’ll need to activate distance measurement before you begin. You can do this by clicking the “Maps Labs” link at the bottom of the left-hand panel, then clicking the enable button next to “Distance Measurement Tool.”

Once activated, the new tool works in classic Maps in much the same way, only instead of right-clicking to begin your route, you’ll need to select the ruler icon in the lower left corner of the map.