Porn more popular on Android than any other mobile platform

Photo: DieCutStickers.
While iOS may boast better usage stats than rival mobile platforms, Android is top when it comes to viewing adult videos on the web. Pornhub’s latest figures reveal that Google’s operating system accounts for almost half of all views from smartphones, but Windows Phone users enjoy more content.
“Android dominates smartphones with just shy of 50% of Pornhub’s phone traffic,” reads the company’s latest report, while the iPhone comes in a close second with just over 40 percent of the share. Windows Phone devices currently account for 2.3 percent of Pornhub’s smartphone traffic, while BlackBerry devices account for just 1.81 percent.
Given that Android claims significantly more market share than the others, you may say that these stats are inevitable. Android users don’t actually browse as much porn as those on other platforms, however, with the average Android visitor viewing just 9.06 pages per visit.

Graph: Pornhub
In comparison, BlackBerry users browser 9.63 pages, iOS users browse 9.78 pages, and Windows Phone users view 10.27 pages before they’re completely satisfied.
Android is also way behind when it comes to tablet traffic. Yet again the iPad is top with over 77 percent of the share, while Android accounts for just 22 percent. That’s still significantly more than Windows RT and BlackBerry tablets provide, however, with just 0.4 percent and 0.6 percent of the traffic respectively.
If you’re wondering which country enjoys the most porn, it’s the U.S. — by a long shot.
Almost 60 percent of Pornhub traffic from iOS devices comes from the U.S., while viewers in the United Kingdom take second place with under 11 percent. On Android, just under 50 percent of viewers are in the U.S., while the U.K. is in second place again with just under 5 percent.
- SourcePornhub
- ImageDieCutStickers