The Apple Watch is actually pretty tiny, compared to Android Wear

Whoa, look at the size of that thing. Photo: Norm on Twitter
I’m not sure about you, but even with the aid of the Apple Store app, I’ve sort of intuitively felt that the Apple Watch just must be huge, and certainly way too huge to put on my wrist.
Well, maybe it is. I won’t know until I go into an Apple Store and actually try one one, which I intend on doing at the first opportunity. But as this image proves, even the biggest Apple Watch is positively tiny compared to the Asus Zenwatch.
3d printed 38mm and 42mm apple watch sizes, compared to Asus zenwatch.
— Norman Chan (@nchan) March 11, 2015
The two white objects on the right are the dimensions of the 38mm and 42mm Apple Watch, respectively, 3D printed by Twitter user nchan. On the left, an Asus Zenwatch, which makes the Apple Watch look positively huge in comparison.
All I’m going to say is this: it’s pretty ballsy for a company selling a “smart watch” that’s this bulky to be running ads like this when their product is like twice the size, with half the specs.
Source: Twitter