In just 24 hours, Apple Watch outsold all Android Wear devices ever
It’s too early to tell exactly how well the Apple Watch will do in the grand scheme of things, or even if it will ultimately win the wearable war. But one thing’s for sure, it’s off to a hell of a good start, with statistics indicating that the Apple Watch sold more units in one day than Android Wear devices have sold. Period.
In a new report on Business Insider, Rob Price points out that in 2014, all manufacturers using Google’s smartwatch operating system (which includes Motorola, LG, and Samsung) shipped just 720,000 units.
Compare that to how many Apple Watches were sold in the U.S. in the first day of preorders, which we previously reported on Cult of Mac. That data comes from a marketing agency called Slice Intelligence, who believe that Apple sold an estimated 957,000 Apple Watches on the first day of pre-sales.
Obviously, this isn’t a one-to-one comparison, yet. The Apple Watch launched with the full thrust of Apple’s marketing apparatus behind it, where as the likes of LG and Samsung have still treated their wearable devices almost like side projects. Now that the Apple Watch has officially been launched, they may very well make a more concerted marketing push with their wearables.
Even so, though, let’s face it: based on early sales, the Apple Watch is the wearable to beat. Android Wear makers are going to have to up the ante if they want to challenge Apple’s dominance in this market.
Source: Business Insider