Keep Track Of Jolly St. Nick With The Official NORAD Tracks Santa App For Android

With Christmas only two days away, nothing is more exciting for a child than the newer aged tradition of tracking his whereabouts on Christmas Eve. A program that started back in the mid 1950’s has evolved into more than just calling in to get Santa’s location. We can now track his real-time progress via sophisticated Santa tracking instruments developed by the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD). The media on which we’ve been tracking Santa has evolved throughout the years and now that the mobile age is upon us, it only makes sense to have an official app.
The new NORAD Tracks Santa app is now available for all the little boys and girls hoping to stay up late enoughto catch a sneak peek of jolly St. Nick. This is the official mobile app for the NORAD tracks Santa program and features:
- – Watch the days countdown to Santa’s flight
- – Follow Santa’s progress on December 24
- – Play “Elf Toss” to help Santa’s elves deliver presents
- – Learn about NORAD and its mission
I don’t know about you guys, but I’m starting to get really excited about Santa’s arrival and can’t wait for his reindeer to show up on my radar. Go ahead and grab the app, then enjoy the smile on your child’s face as the numbers count down towards Santa’s departure. Merry Christmas everyone!
Android Market Link | NORAD Tacks Santa