Ice Cream Sandwich Debuts On Android’s Platform Distribution Chart

Our favorite tasty treat has finally made it onto the Android platform distribution chart (albeit a tiny sliver of a slice). Google puts out these distribution charts to allow developers to see who’s rocking what, when it pertains to versions of Android. This helps prioritize development and support for future and current apps. This is the first time we’re seeing Android 4.0 (actually 4.0, 4.0.2, and 4.0.3) show up in the chart, and I have to admit, it feels nice to be noticed. There’s a lot of other interesting percentage to note, so let’s take a look at which versions of Android are heading the pack and which are following behind.
The following information is based on the number of Android devices that have accessed the Android Market within a 14-day period ending on January 3, 2012. Gingerbread is still holding the top position with over half (54.9%) of all devices running it, second is our favorite frozen yogurt treat with 30.4% of Android devices running it. The rest are pretty minuscule in comparison but it’s interesting to note that there is still 0.6% of Android devices out there destined to die holding onto their Android Cupcake.

Android has come a long way in such a short time, and I expect the Ice Cream Sandwich numbers to begin rising after CES. Which Android platform version are you on?
- SourceAndroid Developers