Google And Dish Network Talk About Launching Their Own Wireless Network
It’s that time again, the time all us Android fanboys get excited over the possibility of Google becoming a wireless carrier. According to The Wall Street Journal, Google met with Dish Network to talk about partnering up to form a wireless carrier to rival the likes of AT&T and Verizon Wireless (apparently Sprint and T-Mobile are small-potatoes).
While these are nothing more than exploratory talks, it’s quite clear that Dish Network is looking for a partner to help them take a stab at the wireless service industry. Google has been butting heads with carriers for quite some time now and if you couldn’t tell by their latest Nexus launch, they’re doing all they can to spite them.
Google becoming its own wireless service provider isn’t a far fetched idea, and one that’s actually been rumored more than once. Google’s been known to shake up an industries or two, so I think they’d have no issues turning the wireless industry upside down.
While the prospect sounds like a dream come true, I can’t help but shudder at the idea of having to call Google for customer service (you think Comcast is bad). Google certainly knows how to provide services at a fraction of the cost, however, they are incredibly lackluster in the management of these services.
I’d much prefer to see Google buy an established telecom like T-Mobile or Sprint, but if a Dish Network partnership is their only option, then I say go for it. We could use someone to shake things up.
At this point, it remains nothing but talks, whispers in the wind, tales of unicorns coming to rescue us from the tyranny of telecommunication service providers and whisking us away to a wonderful world full of fantastical rainbows.
Make it happen Google!
- ViaWSJ