TELUS Reminds Us That The Galaxy Nexus Will Be Available Tomorrow

If you haven’t already heard, the Samsung Galaxy Nexus is set to hit the Canadian wireless company TELUS tomorrow. To remind us of this tasty news, TELUS sent out a tweet confirming its arrival tomorrow, and a link on how to get it. This is exciting news for our northern friends, and I’m betting they can’t wait to get their hands on some Ice Cream Sandwich.
Tomorrow TELUS will have the Samsung Galaxy Nexus ready to sell for the variable pricing of $159.99 on a 3-year contract; $550 on a 2-year contract; $600 on a 1-year contract; or $650 outright, sans contract. If you’ve been holding onto that holiday money in anticipation for the Galaxy Nexus, you’re almost there — don’t blow it. Less than 12 hours to go and you’ll be able to enjoy that 4.65″ HD super AMOLED display packed with Android 4.0 goodness. Good luck, and congratulations on joining the ICS club.
For more information about the Samsung Galaxy Nexus on TELUS just follow the link below.
via Twitter
- SourceTELUS