Adobe Flash And AIR Receive Android 4.0 Compatibility Fixes In Latest Update

Adobe may have stopped development on its mobile Flash but it certainly hasn’t stopped updating it to ensure compatibility and security. Both Adobe Flash and AIR received updates today, bringing with them bug fixes, enhancements, and compatibility fixes for Android 4.0. Of course, Adobe lists the complete changelog on their website, but the the updates essentially include:
- This update to Adobe Flash Player 11 includes compatibility with Android 4 supported devices, performance improvements and bug fixes related to security and stability. The complete set of release notes can be found at:
- Adobe AIR for Android includes compatibility with Android 4 supported devices, performance improvements and bug fixes related to security and stability. The complete set of release notes can be found at:
Hopefully these latest updates will take care of any issues you were having with Adobe Flash and AIR on your Android 4.0 device. To grab the update, simply follow the Android Market links below.
Android Market Links | Adobe Flash Player 11, Adobe AIR