SwiftKey Updated To Version 4.1 With New Features
A new version of the the popular keyboard application SwiftKey is available to download from the Google Play Store. The update brings three new themes for you to enjoy, in addition to a variety of bug fixes and improvements.
The update adds three new themes — Dusk, Pitch, and Regal. These themes incorporate a variety of different colors, such as blue, black, red, orange, and white to make your keyboard stand out from the crowd and look elegant.
SwiftKey developers claim the update also brings fixes for a variety of bugs and glitches. Glitches with Facebook personalization are reportedly fixed, as are bugs with the ‘.co.uk’ and ‘.com’ button in selected browsers. SwiftkKey have also recognised the popularity of the Opera browser and implemented better support for Opera in SwiftKey 4.1.
If you’re unaware of SwiftKey and would like to find out more about it, be sure to check out the detailed application description below, taken directly from SwiftKey’s application page on the Play Store.
SwiftKey replaces the touchscreen keyboard on your phone with one that understands how words work together, giving the world’s most accurate autocorrect – and predicting your next word before you press a key.
The keyboard learns as you use it to make corrections and predictions based on the way that you write. It can learn from your Gmail, Facebook, Twitter or blog to make its insights even more personalized. You can also enable up to three languages simultaneously, for true multi-lingual typing.
Version 4.1 is a huge milestone for SwiftKey, and to commemorate the event, the application is half-price for a limited time only – this means you can pick up a copy for just $1.99!
If you wish to pick up a copy of SwiftKey for the discounted price, be sure to hit the source link below. Alternatively, if you’ve already purchased SwiftKey, head over to the ‘My Apps’ section in the Play Store to update your version.
- SourcePlay Store