Falcon Pro Twitter Client Hits Token Limit… Again


The popular Android third-party Twitter client, Falcon Pro, has once again hit the dreaded 100,000 active user token limit. And it appears there’s only one solution to the problem: revoke all users original tokens and require every Falcon Pro user to sign in again, effectively resetting the token counter for a few more months.

The active user token limit is imposed by Twitter on all third-party clients which do not have a direct partnership, therefore they are limited to the amount of users that can use their client. For a third-party Twitter client 100,000 active users is quite a strict limit, considering some Twitter clients get well over 1,000,000 downloads.

However, Falcon Pro has had well over 50,000 downloads with customers using more than one Twitter account, thanks to Falcon Pro’s latest update, meaning that Falcon Pro is hitting the 100,000 limit much quicker.

The popular third-party client first hit the 100,000 token limit just four months ago and the solution today is the same one they used then – revoke all users original tokens and require every Falcon Pro user to sign in again.

Resetting the user tokens is a temporary workaround, but for small third-party clients it’s the only real solution available at the moment. According to Falcon Pro’s developer, Joaquim Vergès, it’s also the “least dodgy solution.”

There is a new update out for Falcon Pro which will require users to log in again, automatically resetting all user tokens. The updated version of Falcon Pro can be downloaded by hitting the source link below. But get in quick if you want access, because once all 100,000 tokens are gone, that’s it until the next reset.