Google To Continue Letting Argentinian Developers Sell Apps On Google Play


Google has announced that it will continue to allow Argentinian developers to sell paid apps on Google Play for the time being, extending its deadline to an undetermined date in the future.

On May 25, 2013, the search engine giant gave developers based in Argentina one month’s notice that stated after June 27, 2013, it would stop allowing them to accept payments for apps in the Play Store, regardless of where the purchaser was located.

At the time no explanation was given for this decision, and it appears it was nothing more than speculation of government regulations that were to blame for the sudden change.

In an effort to support its previous decision regarding this shutdown, Google briefly explained that it will continue to offer developers registered in Argentina the ability to make paid apps and receive payment through the Play Store, whilst it “explores more permanent solutions.”

The Mountain View based company indicates that it will offer regular updates on the status of this potential shutdown and we will be sure to keep you updated if and when we get any new information.

If you wish to see the official article on Google’s Support page click the source link below.