Google Confirms It Will Not Be Changing Privacy Policy For Google Glass


In a response letter to Congressman Joe Barton (R-Texas), co-chair of the bipartisan Congressional Privacy Caucus, focusing on new privacy concerns that surround Google Glass users, the team at Mountain View HQ confirmed that the policy will remain the same and will not be amended.

According to Google’s Vice President of Public Policy and Government Relations, Susan Molinari, the company have no plans to change anything in terms of the privacy policy and the existing policy will remain in full effect.

Use of Google Glass will be governed by the terms of the Google Privacy Policy and no changes to the Google Privacy Policy are planned for Glass.

Congress Barton is extremely disappointed with Google’s response, as he feels that the company’s current policy doesn’t address the way new and emerging technologies can affect the “social norms” as it changes the way users interact with the public.

We would like to think that anyone buying into the wearable computing market would take a few minutes to understand how their data is being compiled and used but some people simply just won’t bother. Google has clarified its data privacy policy in the past and the clear and precise language spells out what Google can and will do with the information it collects from you.

We are not exactly sure how things need to change to protect Google Glass users but we do know that now is the time to hash it all out. With wearable computing becoming a reality in the not too distant future it is essential that theses concerns are addressed by people on both sides of the issue.

If you wish to read the full 4-page response to Congress Barton’s inquires click the source link below.