Vine For Android Updated, Adds New Capture Widget, Re-Vine Feature, And More

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Twitter-owned Vine was updated today on Android, bringing it closer to parity with the social media company’s recently updated iOS app. You’ll now have new camera tools, the ability to “revine” a post (similar to re-tweeting), access new Channels, and a brand new Capture Widget.

The new widget is designed to get you faster access to your Vine recording ability, shaving precious seconds off your launch of the Vine app.

The main video capture part of the Vine app now has new tools, including a grid, focusing tools, and a ghost feature which should show you your previous shots, a valuable tool for stop-animation, at least.

Better yet, Android users now get a revining feature, making the service just that much more Twitter-like. All you’ll need to do is tap on a video to share it with your Twitter followers.

There’s a new Channels update here, as well, letting you submit posts or browse from an Explore screen, an enhanced discovery system that will help us all find videos in specific categories, like Comedy, Art & Experimental, Cats, Dogs, Family, Beauty & Fashion, Food, Health & Fitness, Nature, Music, News & Politics, Special FX, Sports, Urban, and–my favorite–Weird.

The Vine update is available now in the Google Play store, which shows the following changes contained in the update:

–Browse or submit your posts to 15 new channels
–Share your favorite posts with all your followers on Vine in one tap
Fast Capture Widget
–Instantly jump to the Vine camera right from your home screen
New Capture Tools
–Shoot with style using the new focus, grid, and ghost tools
Other updates:
• A new mute button in the menu
• Performance improvements