Moto X Active Display Now Available To Download On Any Android 4.1 Device
One of the best and most popular features on Motorola’s flagship smartphone, the Moto X, is its Active Display functionality which automatically displays important notifications on the lock screen without any user input. This attribute was a Moto X exclusive at launch, and in less than not time a replica was developed exclusively for Android 4.3 users, which is now available to download on any 4.1 Jelly Bean device.
Niko001, a loyal member of XDA-Developers, has created and published an application called “Active Notifications” which imitates the Active Display on any Android 4.1 and 4.3 Jelly Bean device, and here’s what he had to say:
It uses the new ‘Notification Listener’ service introduced in 4.3 and therefore has minimal impact on your battery. If you own an AMOLED-phone, the ‘battery saving’ feature should work automatically, since black pixels are simply not turned on. The app comes with similar features as the Moto X Active Display (such as not turning on when the device is inside your pocket, purse, or lying face down). Unfortunately, relying on the 4.3 Notification Listener also means that you need a device running Android 4.3 (which are pretty scarce at the moment)… I’ll think about creating a version for older versions of Android if there is enough interest.
I’ve been using ActiveNotifications on my Note II for a little more than 12 hours now, and it appears function perfectly. However, it does drain the battery a little more than usual, but that’s to be expected as the app is not designed to run on handsets with Super AMOLED displays.
Click the source link below to pick up your copy of ActiveNotifiations free of charge on Google Play.
- SourceGoogle Play