MoDaCo.SWITCH Beta Comes To The Galaxy S4


Remember MoDaCo.SWITCH, the awesome little tweak that allows you to switch between your smartphone’s default ROM and stock Android on the fly? We wrote about it late last month when it first came to the HTC One, and now it’s available on the Galaxy S4, too.

It just got its first beta release, and those who backed the project on Indiegogo will be the first to gain access.If you’re a fan of Samsung’s latest TouchWiz user interface, but you also like to use stock Android every so often, then MoDaCo.SWITCH is ideal. Rather than having to flash new ROMs every couple of weeks, you simply install two with SWITCH and then flick between them as and when you wish.

The great thing about SWITCH is that both of the ROMs you install share the same data set. So if you install apps, snap photos, or download files inside one ROM, they’ll automatically be available inside the other one as well.

Check out SWITCH in action in the video below:

I’ve been using SWITCH on my HTC One since the beta became available, and I think it’s fantastic. In fact, I can’t imagine how I’d live without it now — I’d probably be back to flashing different ROMs all the time. So I’m delighted it’s now available on the Galaxy S4, too.

The initial beta is available only to those who backed the project on Indiegogo, so not everyone can try it out just yet. But in the coming weeks, that will change. For more information, check out the SWITCH forum link below.