HTC: Canada Doesn’t Need The HTC One Max


HTC finally unveiled the One max earlier this week following months of rumors and speculation, and the Taiwanese company said that the device will be “rolling out across the globe from mid-end October.” One place it won’t be visiting, however, is Canada — because they already have enough HTC devices to choose from, according to HTC.

MobileSyrup contacted HTC to see if they could get more details on the handset’s release date for Canada, and they were surprised by the reply.

“HTC devices differ from country to country, we work closely with carrier partners in each region to determine what is best for their consumers. Every market is different and has specific needs and demands,” HTC said. “We consider a number of factors such as, the HTC devices currently available, the competition etc.

“At this time the current HTC line up of devices is sufficient for the Canadian marketplace.”

So, in other words, HTC thinks Canadians have enough HTC devices to choose from, and that they don’t need another one. That’s kinda surprising given the company’s current struggle; I’d have thought it would want to get its devices into as many markets as possible.

But there may be some hope. HTC has been known to change its mind — for instance, it initially told us that Verizon would never get the HTC One, but it did… eventually.