Android 4.3 Jelly Bean Rolls Out To Samsung Service Centers


After Android 4.3 Jelly Bean arrived on the Galaxy S III last month, Galaxy Note II users have been eagerly anticipating an update of their own. And although it hasn’t quite made its way into consumer hands yet, it looks like it is close, with Samsung service centers now getting the release.

SamMobile reports that the Android 4.3 update for the Galaxy Note II is being rolled out to Samsung service centers now, and one lucky user in India already has already gotten it installed on their device.

“The build number of the firmware is N7100XXUEMJ9, while the build date is of October 31st, making us fairly certain that it’s the final version of the update that will roll out officially,” SamMobile reports. “At this point, it’s uncertain what the extent of changes and new features are in the update.”

What you can expect to see — based on the Galaxy S III’s recent update — are a number of new features, such as MultiWindow, KNOX, and Easy Mode; Galaxy Gear support, and of course, improvements for the S Pen stylus.

It’s unclear when the update will be available to users at this point, but with Samsung already rolling it out to service centers, it appears to be close.