Mozilla Previews New Firefox Launcher For Android


Mozilla may have its own Firefox OS smartphone platform now, but that hasn’t stopped it from teaming up with EverythingMe to develop a new Firefox Launcher for Android. Its aim is to make it easy for you to “discover the content you want in any moment,” and it seamlessly integrates with the Firefox web browser for Android.

“We’re working together to deliver the best mobile Web experience to people everywhere – regardless of location, platform or device,” Firefox says on its blog. “We are happy to expand our work together with this new product to give people more smart, easy and innovative ways to personalize their Web experience and meet their needs in any context.”

Firefox Launcher isn’t too dissimilar to EverythingMe’s existing launcher for Android; its main aim is to make it easy for you to access the apps and content you need right when you need them. It learns your habits — which apps you open at what time time during the day — then presents them to you so that you don’t have to find them yourself.

But unlike the existing EverythingMe Launcher, Firefox Launcher works alongside the Firefox web browser to provide a personalized web experience. So when you search for something — such as your favorite band of artist — you won’t just see local content, but stuff from the web as well.

In addition to this, when you search for things like “news” or “tech,” Firefox Launcher serves up little content cards with snippets of content from various sources with the day’s big stories.


Firefox Launcher is in beta testing right now, and Mozilla hasn’t yet announced when it will be available.