Chrome for Android now lets you restore closed tabs, stream the web to Chromecast
Google Chrome for Android now allows you to restore tabs after they’ve been closed and stream videos from the web to your Chromecast, thanks to a new update that’s rolling out via Google Play this week. The release also adds support for fullscreen videos with subtitles and HTML5 controls, and the “multi-window” feature on some Android devices.
These features were first tested in a Chrome Beta release last month, and now that they’re stable, they’re available to all — making the Chrome for Android feature-set increasingly similar to that of its desktop counterpart. Chromecast support and the ability to restore tabs in particular are handy additions to the browser, which is why this release will be welcomed with open arms by Chrome users.
How often do you accidentally close tabs in Chrome without even thinking about it and then say to yourself, “shoot, I’m not sure if I still wanted that one.” I do it all the time — especially on Android where the close button on Chrome tabs is so small and easily tapped accidentally.
Until now, you would have had to wade through your browser history to find the tab you closed, but with the latest version of Chrome, you’ll get a little popup that gives you the opportunity to restore a page right after it disappears.
Another welcome addition with this release is Chromecast streaming. If you watch videos on a site that doesn’t have a dedicated Android app, you probably would have found it difficult to stream them to your TV via Chromecast before — but now it’s as easy as pie. Just hit the Chromecast button in your browser and select the device you wish to stream to.
If you have an Android device that has a “multi-window” feature — such as high-end Samsung Galaxy — you’ll now find Chrome supports that, too, so you can browse the web while you watch videos, type up notes, or keep an eye on your Twitter timeline.
The latest Chrome release is rolling out now via Google Play, but like all Google updates, it will be available in phases. If you don’t already see it on your device, then, you should do soon.
- ViaGoogle Chrome Blog
- Google Play StoreGoogle Chrome