Latest Moto 360 update dramatically improves battery life

Photo: Motorola
A new Moto 360 software update rolling out now addresses one of the wearable’s biggest complaints by dramatically improving its battery life. “Something they did lead to a substantial improvement,” reports one user on Reddit. “Wore it for 14 hours today and it had 70% remaining when I put it on the charger.”
While Motorola made us wait months for the Moto 360, the device has been by far the most anticipated Android Wear watch to date, and the vast majority of early adopters have been pretty happy with it. There has been one common complaint, however, and it concerns battery life.
“Motorola says the 360’s battery lasts a day, but I haven’t seen it last that long yet,” wrote David Pierce of The Verge in his review. “My watch now dies before my phone does, and that’s unacceptable. I’ve already spent too much time wearing a dead Moto 360.”
David Gilbert of International Business Times said, “The Moto 360 only has a one-day battery life. While the 2-3 day battery lives of other smartwatches are nothing write home about, one day is just ridiculous.”
Motorola has heard these complaints, and with its latest Moto 360 update — which sports build number KGW42R — the company has made some tweaks that are said to improve battery life significantly. Users who previously enjoyed just one day of use in between charges can now get two or three.
“With the new update, my watch has been off the charger for 30 hours and I still have 53% left,” reported “ChainsawRomance” on Reddit. “This is nuts.”
“Ambient on, getting 2 days’ of battery. Love it,” adds “lannisterstark.” “I could potentially get a third day but I didn’t bother and changed it fully.”
Users are also reporting that Android Wear on the Moto 360 is now smoother and more responsive than it was before, too. If you haven’t already installed this release on your device, then, you’ll want to do so as soon as possible.
- SourceReddit
- ViaAndroid Authority