Google is still holding up Lollipop for HTC’s Play Edition smartphones

HTC is still awaiting the thumbs-up from Google. Image: Google
HTC’s Android 5.0 Lollipop update for the One M7 and One M8 Google Play Edition devices is still being held up by Google. HTC had hoped to finally get it out to users on Monday, but according to the company’s vice president of product management, Mo Versi, the update still hasn’t been given the approval it needs for rollout.
Versi has been promising this Lollipop release since mid-November, when he told users on Twitter that it would be available around November 17. A series of delays have continued to push the release back, but it’s not strictly HTC’s fault. The Taiwanese company handed the software over to Google for approval weeks ago, and it’s still waiting for the thumbs-up.
While there’s little HTC can do about that at this point, it probably wasn’t a good idea to promise the release before that all-important stamp of approval was acquired. Theoretically, Google could provide that at any point now, but no one can be completely sure that it’s imminent.
“I’m expecting it to come soon,” Versi said in his latest update. He has also promised that Lollipop will be rolled out to users the same day Google approves it. Despite the many delays, then, those with a Google Play Edition One M7 or One M8 will still be running Android 5.0 before the vast majority.
- SourceMo Versi