OnePlus One’s latest software update arrives with SwiftKey in tow

The OnePlus One gets a new software update. Photo: Killian Bell/Cult of Android
The OnePlus One’s latest CyanogenMod 11S update is now rolling out to users. No, it’s not the Lollipop update you’re most looking forward to, but it does include a whole bunch of great improvements — including SwiftKey built-in, and improved audio.
This is the update that OnePlus announced last week, so it wasn’t kidding when it promised it would be available soon. In addition to SwiftKey and MaxxAudio technology by Waves, the release updates the One’s media codecs and NFC, and improves security and ADB sideloading. Plus a whole lot more.
Here’s the complete list of changes:
- Fixed dab with Linux 3.10
- Improved ADB Sideload
- Improved wipe confirmation screen layout
- Improved progress bar
- Fixed wrong emergency call property
- Improved audio policy flexibility
- Increased void volume
- Improved light controls
- Updated WCNSS configuration
- Upgraded ADCB Files
- Powered HAL improvements
- Upgraded SQLite to version 3.8.6
- Reduced volume increment/decrement step per click
- Added support for Query SIM SMS capacity
- Upgraded TP firmware to 14001220
- Fixed headset insert/remove crash
- Fixed ability to hang up a call from a wired audio headset
Set Up:
- SetupWizard: Allow turning on mobile data if off by default
- Fixed force close when sharing multiple files over Bluetooth
- Displays download size as a decimal prefix
- Enabled scrolling on the system update screen
- Added Download clicked notification
- Shows download size on UI
- Updated Icons
- Added progress bar
- Added letterbox view for to show actual capture in preview
- Added toast information to aid in first time use of Continuous shot
- Additional supported video types
- Blacklist, strip extension from number
- Fixed screen rotation behavior during call
- Call events can be handled on alarm
- Fixed city and time zone entries
Big updates like this one don’t typically reach all users in one day, so don’t worry if your OnePlus doesn’t get an update notification right away. Rest assured it will be on its way over the coming days.
- SourceOnePlus