Popular iOS and Mac app iA Writer launches on Android

Photo: iA Writer
iOS developers are constantly spitting on Android. But that’s not necessarily the way it should be. The developers behind iA Writer, one of the most beautiful distraction-free writing apps for iOS and Mac, have just ported their app to Android. And they seem really positive about Android so far.
Although many iOS developers have focused only on the negative when it comes to Android, German dev Information Architects GmbH (iA Writer… get it?) seem really positive.
“Android has come a long way from the unsightly UX and low quality device mess it was just three years ago,” the developers said. In particular, they love Material Design. “The Material Design guidelines form a impressive, concise design framework,” they wrote.
They summarize:
iA Writer for Android is a start—we like to compare it to the first Writer for iOS version released in 2010. With your positive feedback and—if Android continues to evolve at this pace—we see great things coming.
For quite some time, the Android OS has been the “Well, we do have to look at it from time to time, don’t we?” Now, with its partially contained jolly chaos, and its promise of full-featured computing in the palm of your hand, Android strikes us with the excitement of pushing new frontiers.
As it is on iOS, iA Writer for Android is a distraction-free writing app based upon John Gruber’s Markdown syntax. It has a minimalist interface that defaults to ‘focus’ mode, that highlights the specific sentence being written, just like a typewriter. It syncs files with Dropbox.
iA Writer for Android can be purchased from the Google Play store for just $5.
Source: iA.net