HTC confirms ads are coming to BlinkFeed

Want more ads? Here they come! Photo: Killian Bell/Cult of Android.
HTC has confirmed that it is bringing ads and sponsored content to BlinkFeed. Users in certain markets will begin to see promotions from partners like Yahoo, Twitter, and HTC itself — and the company promises that you will only see limited numbers of them.

Here’s how an HTC ad appears in BlinkFeed. Screenshot: HTC
When you browse BlinkFeed to check the news over morning coffee, then, you’re going to start seeing ads alongside new stories. They will look just like other BlinkFeed content, rather than traditional popups or banner ads (so you’re more likely to tap on them thinking they are regular posts).
HTC’s announcement comes just a month after @Upleaks published screenshots of ads appearing in BlinkFeed and warned HTC owners that they were coming. Initially, the promotions will appear in the U.S., the U.K., Germany, Taiwan, and China.
“It’s important to note that this roll-out is a pilot, so right now we’re only testing and analyzing the effectiveness of this particular native format implementation,” HTC says. The company also promises that it will be “implementing a way for you to opt out of receiving these promotions.”
There’s no word on how long that will take, however, so until then, you’ll just have to learn to live with seeing more ads on your smartphone.
- SourceHTC