Google releases Marshmallow OTA updates for manual flashing

Marshmallow updates are here for manual flashing. Photo: Google
Google has released its Android 6.0 Marshmallow OTA (over-the-air) updates for those who wish to install them manually. They are currently available for the Nexus 5, Nexus 6, Nexus 7 (2013), Nexus 9, and Nexus Player — and most of them come in multiple parts.
These OTA files are the same as those Google distributes to all Nexus owners. By releasing them as .zip files, Google gives users the opportunity to install them early, rather than wait for them to arrive. It’s a little bit of work, but it doesn’t take too long — and it’s worth it.
Unlike other OTA files, however, many of these come in multiple parts. This is because Google recently rolled out security patches for most of its Nexus devices, and users must flash those before upgrading to Marshmallow.
All the download links you need can be found below, courtesy of Droid-Life. Be sure you choose the model number that matches your device. You can find this in the “About” section of the Settings app.
- Nexus 5 – [MRA58K from LMY48M, 407MB]
- Nexus 6 (Part 1a) – [LMY48T from LMY48M, 23.3MB]
- Nexus 6 (Part 1b, T-Mobile) – [LYZ28M from LYZ28K, 23.2MB]
- Nexus 6 (Part 1c, Project Fi) – [LVY48H from LVY48F, 23.1MB]
- Nexus 6 (Part 2a) – [MRA58K from LMY48T, 702MB]
- Nexus 6 (Part 2b, T-Mobile) – [MRA58K from LYZ28M, 698MB]
- Nexus 6 (Part 2c, Project Fi) – [MRA58K from LVY48H, 701MB]
- Nexus 7 (2013) WiFi – [MRA58K from LMY48M, 335MB]
- Nexus 7 (2013) LTE – [MRA58K from LMY48P, 336MB]
- Nexus 9 WiFi (Part 1) – [LMY48T from LMY48M, 22MB]
- Nexus 9 WiFi (Part 2) – [MRA58K from LMY48T, 772MBMB]
- Nexus 9 LTE (Part 1) – [LMY48T from LMY48M, 22.4MB]
- Nexus 9 LTE (Part 2) – [MRA58K from LMY48T, 776MB]
- Nexus Player – [MRA58K from LMY48N, 323MB]