If you care about special needs kids, choose Android Pay over Apple Pay on Black Friday


While Apple Pay has become a near ubiquitous payment option at stores across America, Android Pay is having a harder time getting off the ground. But here’s a reason to feel good about using Google’s service over Apple’s: until the end of the year, Google will donate money to special needs students across America every time you use Android Pay.

In the spirit of Christmas, Google has announced that it has teamed with DonorsChoose.org to support special needs classrooms in the United States.

Google will donate $1 for every purchase, up to a total of $1 million, which is a small drop in the bucket of the search giant’s profits. Still, it’s a million bucks special needs kids won’t have had before, and it gets better: if you make purchases using Android Pay on Black Friday, Android will double its donations.

Should you spend money you wouldn’t otherwise have because of this? Absolutely not. But If you were going to buy things on Black Friday anyway, Android Pay has given you a reason reason to feel better about it.

Source: Google