Save 28% on the AIR ionic car purifier and charger [Deal]
Things happen. Your car air gets dirty, your phone runs low on battery. But now you’ve got the stone to kill both those birds.
The AIR quickly purifies the air in your car by removing smoke, toxic fumes, dust, pollen, pet dander, and even unfortunate mystery smells. To boot, it has two USB plug-ins to charge up your phone battery while it cleans — and it’s 28% cheaper now through Cult of Android Deals.
- Starts purifying air immediately
- Perfect for smokers or pet owners
- Plugs into cigarette lighter or 12V socket
- Alerts you that it’s working w/ LED light
- Charges your phone & tablet simultaneously
- Generates 1.3 million negative ions per cubic centimeter
- Increases oxygen flow, mental energy & alertness
The AIR is normally priced at $50, but for a limited time only, you can get yours through Cult of Android Deals for just $35.99.