Samsung mercifully puts Galaxy Note 7 out of its misery

Galaxy Note 7, we hardy knew ye!
With growing numbers of reports of Samsung’s replacement Galaxy Note 7 handsets catching fire, Samsung has permanently stopped production of its once-acclaimed new smartphone flagship. Owners will be able to return their phones for a refund or to swap it out for another Samsung device.
“We recently readjusted the production volume for thorough investigation and quality control, but putting consumer safety as top priority, we have reached a final decision to halt production of Galaxy Note 7s,” the company said. “For the benefit of consumers’ safety, we stopped sales and exchanges of the Galaxy Note 7 and have consequently decided to stop production.”
After major carriers around the world stopped supporting the Note 7, Samsung had little option — short of pulling the device yet again and issuing a second replacement model. Even with that done, it would likely still suffer the negative reputation that is not ingrained with the Note 7.
Samsung’s latest smartphone was responsible for the evacuation of a Southwest Airlines flight last week after a passenger’s Note 7 emitted a thick grey-green smoke and burned a hole in the plane’s carpet.
The handset was allegedly rushed to market due to Samsung’s confidence that the iPhone 7 would turn out to be a box office dud.
The first worldwide recall of Samsung’s handset reportedly cost in the region of $1 billion. Given the damage this debacle has ultimately caused, it remains to be seen what the total damages will be to Samsung’s bottom line when the Note 7 saga is finally over.
Source: BBC