Amazon Now Allows Android Developers To Charge More Than $20 For In-App Purchases

It’s only been a week since Amazon made its in-app purchasing API available to all and already they’ve lifted the $20 cap developers were allowed to charge for an in-app purchase. This comes after Amazon implemented stronger parental controls to prevent children from running up mommy and daddy’s credit card. At least that’s the reason Amazon is giving in an email being sent to developers:

“With our parental controls functionality now updated, in-app items over $20 may now be submitted via the developer portal.”

Apparently the majority of revenue for top-grossing games on iOS and Android are made up of these $20+ in-app purchases. I have no idea who these in-app “whales” are, but I’ve yet to run into someone who has spent more than $10 on an in-app purchase let alone $20. I’d love to shake the hand of these high-rollers and thank them for apparently being the driving revenue force behind top-grossing games.

How about you, have you ever paid more than $20 on an in-app purchase for a mobile game? What game was it for and what item(s) did it entail? Virtual currency ballers represent!