Posts by Luke Dormehl


One of the big problems with focusing on a broad metric like mobile platform market share is that it ignores some of the more important (and complex) questions about how these platforms are actually used.

For example, which customers are most valuable in terms of spending money?


Ever wonder why it takes most Android phones ages to get the latest version of the OS?

Well, a recent infographic from HTC sheds some light on the anatomy of an Android update — detailing all the steps involved from the pre-announcement PDF through the finished version arriving on your phone.


Question: When is an iPhone not an iPhone?

Answer: When it’s an ioPhone. And when it runs Android.

Seizing on the massive following the iPhone enjoys in Japan, Japanese manufacturer Iosys will reportedly start marketing its cheap knockoff iPhone 5c-inspired ioPhone5 this Friday.


Is nothing sacred in the Samsung vs. Apple clash, we ask you?

It might have recently been ordered to pay Apple $930 million in damages (with a possible side order of Apple legal fees), but Samsung still scored a personal victory this month by hiring away Apple’s senior store designer, Tim Grudgel.

In the Trash?

The flip-side to the fetishistic hankering over shiny new things is the staggering number of older gadgets that are thrown away each year.

According to new data released by the Solving the E-Waste Problem Initiative (Step), in 2012 this electronic waste added up to a staggering 48.9 million tons.

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