Posts by Vincent Messina

Boy, oh boy, just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse Google goes ahead and essentially pulls a bait-and-switch. I’m really not sure what excuse Nexus 4 owners are going to come up with to justify Google’s latest charade but I’m extremely disappointed. What am I making such a fuss about you ask? It’s been discovered that the Nexus 4 does not support USB (for peripherals) despite original documentation clearly stating that it did.

Another “tentative” blow has been handed to Apple as the United States Patent and Trademark Office has issued a first Office action rejecting all 20 claims of U.S. Patent No. 7,479,949. This multitouch patent, often referred to as “the Steve Jobs patent,” includes “touch screen device, method, and graphical user interface for determining commands by applying heuristics.”

If you haven’t heard of the Samsung Galaxy Muse, don’t worry, you’re not alone. It’s a music companion device designed to work with Galaxy smartphones such as the Galaxy S III and Note II. Basically, it’s an MP3 player. What in the world would anyone want with an MP3 player these days? Well, some people prefer not to jog, bike, exercise, etc. with their $600+ device and would much rather carry around a small companion device such as the Muse that costs much less.

Samsung decided to take a stab at the connected camera market with its Android-powered Galaxy Camera. Originally released on AT&T, this Jelly Bean toting, quad-core processing (yes, a quad-core camera) point-and-shoot was met with much skepticism. With the quality of smartphone cameras getting better with each iteration, many consider it unnecessary to carry another device.

If you have no interest in dishing out big bucks for a high-end device and are more than happy with a mid-range device that’s easier on the pocket, you might be interested in the HTC One VX on AT&T.

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