
Gmail is safer than ever. Photo: Jay Wennington/Unsplash

Gmail is safer than ever. Photo: Jay Wennington/Unsplash

As Apple fights to keep the FBI out of our smartphones, Google is making our emails even more secure.

The company today confirmed a number of new protections for Gmail users, including stronger encryption, better notifications, and more.

Nope. Not yet. Photo: Killian Bell/Cult of Android

Nope. Not yet. Photo: Killian Bell/Cult of Android

Everyone thinks Gear S2 is getting support for the iPhone today, and it’s all thanks to Verizon. But in actual fact, that’s not the case.

While Samsung’s latest smartwatch will be iPhone-compatible at some point, you’ll have to wait a little while longer for it.

PlayStation greats are coming to your smartphone. Photo: Sony

PlayStation greats are coming to your smartphone. Photo: Sony

Days after Nintendo launched its very first smartphone game, another gaming giant has announced it will start making mobile games.

Sony has formed a new company called ForwardWorks Corporation that’s dedicated to bringing PlayStation greats to Android and iOS.

Google Photos smart albums

Smarter albums now available in Google Photos. Photo: Google

Taking lots of photos when you’re doing some fun is great, but sorting them when you go home is not. But now you don’t have to.

Use Google Photos and it takes care of organization for you, with smart albums that are made up of your best images from every event.

What's he watching? Photo: Samsung

What’s he watching? Photo: Samsung

As virtual reality headsets take off in a big way, every one of us has wondered what VR porn is like. If you haven’t, you’re lying.

Now, thanks to Pornhub, it’s free to find out.

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