Still don’t have a virtual reality headset? Coca-Cola is here to help, with redesigned packaging that lets you make your very own VR wearable for almost any smartphone.
Still don’t have a virtual reality headset? Coca-Cola is here to help, with redesigned packaging that lets you make your very own VR wearable for almost any smartphone.
Xiaomi’s brand new Mi 5 handset boasts a revolutionary new image stabilization technology, and there’s no better way to showcase that than by shaming the iPhone.
In the video below, Xiaomi pits the Mi 5 against the iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus in an optical image stabilization test — and makes them look downright disappointing.
Now you can do more than just Like that funny video. Photo: Facebook
Seven years to the month after Facebook first added a “like” button, the social network has finally acknowledged that there may be emotions other than a vague sense of approval by introducing a range of new emoticons — although, sadly, the much-requested “dislike” is not among them.
Facebook users now have the option of responding to posts with six reactions, including “Like,” “Love,” “Ha Ha,” “Wow,” “Sad” or “Angry.” These are available on both the Facebook website and mobile apps.
Apple may have killed the anti-eyestrain app F.lux on the iPhone, in favor of their own ‘Night Shift’ mode. But fans of F.lux on the Mac and PC will be happy to know it is now coming to Android.
Samsung is under fire again from iPhone fans for its apparent lack of attention to detail when designing the new Galaxy S7 and S7 edge. Apparently, the fact that the ports don’t line up on the bottom of these devices automatically means they’re not as good as Apple’s.
But it’s total rubbish.