
We simply love wallpapers. They’re one of the first changes we make to our Android devices and often represent our moods, interests, or wicked alter egos. They’re as unique as the individuals who use them and while some people pick one and stick with it, others change them more often than a teenager’s Facebook status. Each day we’re going to feature a free wallpaper for you to download and use on your Android device. Depending on your device, you may want to use your favorite photo editing software to resize the image for a better fit. Once that’s done, apply and enjoy. Your home screen can thank us later. Cheers!

[Update: I’m sad to report our Pumpkin Carving Contest has been cancelled due to lack of participation. We’ll just have to think of something a bit less challenging next time.]

As Halloween approaches, some of us will be ghouling up our houses with spider webs, corpse limbs, and the quintessential carved pumpkin. Since we love Android, and we’re pretty sure you do too, we thought it’d be cool to combine the fun of Halloween pumpkin carving with our affinity for Android. Before I get into details, let me just say this will be all about fun, so don’t worry if you’re not the most skilled pumpkin carver.

We simply love wallpapers. They’re one of the first changes we make to our Android devices and often represent our moods, interests, or wicked alter egos. They’re as unique as the individuals who use them and while some people pick one and stick with it, others change them more often than a teenager’s Facebook status. Each day we’re going to feature a free wallpaper for you to download and use on your Android device. Depending on your device, you may want to use your favorite photo editing software to resize the image for a better fit. Once that’s done, apply and enjoy. Your home screen can thank us later. Cheers!

While every carrier has given us some sort of heads up on an availability schedule for the Galaxy Note II, Verizon hasn’t said a word. Then, out of the blue, they begin taking pre-orders. Don’t expect to see any DROID RAZR marketing blitz for the Galaxy Note II, as it seems Verizon simply hates Samsung. Don’t believe me? Just look at the horrendous Verizon logo they stamped on the middle function button of the Note II. And don’t get me started on the non-existent marketing for the Galaxy S III and Galaxy Nexus

We simply love wallpapers. They’re one of the first changes we make to our Android devices and often represent our moods, interests, or wicked alter egos. They’re as unique as the individuals who use them and while some people pick one and stick with it, others change them more often than a teenager’s Facebook status. Each day we’re going to feature a free wallpaper for you to download and use on your Android device. Depending on your device, you may want to use your favorite photo editing software to resize the image for a better fit. Once that’s done, apply and enjoy. Your home screen can thank us later. Cheers!

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