
We simply love wallpapers. They’re one of the first changes we make to our Android devices and often represent our moods, interests, or wicked alter egos. They’re as unique as the individuals who use them and while some people pick one and stick with it, others change them more often than a teenager’s Facebook status. Each day we’re going to feature a free wallpaper for you to download and use on your Android device. Depending on your device, you may want to use your favorite photo editing software to resize the image for a better fit. Once that’s done, apply and enjoy. Your homescreen can thank us later. Cheers!

Many of you are proud new owners of the Jelly Bean toting Nexus 7 tablet, and many of you are now on the prowl for a good-looking, well-made case in which to carry and protect it. That’s where the DODOcase HARDcover comes in. DODOcases have a well known reputation for quality and craftsmanship, thanks to their pristine iPad cases, and now, they are extending that same quality over to Google and its buttery smooth Nexus 7.

We simply love wallpapers. They’re one of the first changes we make to our Android devices and often represent our moods, interests, or wicked alter egos. They’re as unique as the individuals who use them and while some people pick one and stick with it, others change them more often than a teenager’s Facebook status. Each day we’re going to feature a free wallpaper for you to download and use on your Android device. Depending on your device, you may want to use your favorite photo editing software to resize the image for a better fit. Once that’s done, apply and enjoy. Your homescreen can thank us later. Cheers!

In case you’ve been too engrossed in the Olympics to realize what day it is, let me remind you: It’s Sunday! That’s right, and while we won’t be giving out any medals, we will have some cool Android swag for you to win. Last week we were giving away 5 sets of NFC tags from TagsForDroid.com and today we’re going to announce the lucky winners, as well as give you a chance to win some new swag.

We simply love wallpapers. They’re one of the first changes we make to our Android devices and often represent our moods, interests, or wicked alter egos. They’re as unique as the individuals who use them and while some people pick one and stick with it, others change them more often than a teenager’s Facebook status. Each day we’re going to feature a free wallpaper for you to download and use on your Android device. Depending on your device, you may want to use your favorite photo editing software to resize the image for a better fit. Once that’s done, apply and enjoy. Your homescreen can thank us later. Cheers!

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