
We simply love wallpapers. They’re one of the first changes we make to our Android devices and often represent our moods, interests, or wicked alter egos. They’re as unique as the individuals who use them and while some people pick one and stick with it, others change them more often than a teenager’s Facebook status. Each day we’re going to feature a free wallpaper for you to download and use on your Android device. Depending on your device, you may want to use your favorite photo editing software to resize the image for a better fit. Once that’s done, apply and enjoy. Your homescreen can thank us later. Cheers!

The Spigen SGP Valentinus provided by the good folks at MobileFun is a handmade, luxury faux leather wallet case for the Samsung Galaxy Note that’s designed to protect your device and carry your credit cards and cash — allowing you to leave you billfold behind.

Its slimline form factor hopes to maintain the Galaxy Note’s slender shell no matter how many cards you cram inside, while providing full body protection against dings, dents, scuffs, and scratches. Its button clasp also keeps the case closed while it’s not in use, and ensures that when you do drop you device, the case doesn’t open up and leave your 5.3-inch display exposed.

The Valentinus boasts four card slots, plus a larger pocket for bills, business cards, and anything else you pick up on your travels. As you’d expect, it provides access to all your buttons, ports, and cameras, in addition to the Galaxy Note’s S Pen.

We simply love wallpapers. They’re one of the first changes we make to our Android devices and often represent our moods, interests, or wicked alter egos. They’re as unique as the individuals who use them and while some people pick one and stick with it, others change them more often than a teenager’s Facebook status. Each day we’re going to feature a free wallpaper for you to download and use on your Android device. Depending on your device, you may want to use your favorite photo editing software to resize the image for a better fit. Once that’s done, apply and enjoy. Your homescreen can thank us later. Cheers!

How many of you have heard of NFC? NFC is the latest short-range radio communications standard taking the mobile world by storm. In fact, if you have a new Android phone, there’s a good chance it has an NFC chip inside. NFC stands for Near Field Communication, and it’s a standard that allows devices to establish radio communication with each other when brought within close proximity of one another.

This year’s Google I/O was the year of the Nexus, and right before I set off on my vacation, Google announced the Nexus 7. If you haven’t heard about it yet, here’s a few links to get you started:

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