Got yourself a Google Play edition HTC One but still waiting for the Android 4.4 KitKat update? Worry not. If you are impatient enough for the OTA update to arrive, you can always manually install the update on your phone in a few simple steps.
Got yourself a Google Play edition HTC One but still waiting for the Android 4.4 KitKat update? Worry not. If you are impatient enough for the OTA update to arrive, you can always manually install the update on your phone in a few simple steps.
With every new Android version comes a bunch of new bugs. Android 4.4 KitKat is no different with its own share of bugs. One very irritating bug in KitKat that some users have been facing is the Share menu not working properly.
Google has been pretty slow in rolling out the Android 4.4 KitKat OTA update for the Nexus 4. While the OTA started rolling out a couple of days ago, majority of the Nexus 4 owners are yet to get the update. The good news is that the download link of the OTA update has been grabbed by a samaritan on the Internet, giving impatient Nexus 4 owners the chance to install the KitKat update on their device right away.
If you’re a forgetful smartphone owner who likes to leave their device in cabs and coffee shops, then why not make it easier for people to return your handset to you by adding your contact details to the lock screen? It’s quick and easy to do, and it’s a feature that built right into Android, so you don’t even need a third-party app.
Lock screen widgets were first introduced to Android last November with Android 4.2 Jelly Bean, but in Google’s latest KitKat release, they’re disabled by default. But don’t worry — they haven’t been killed off altogether; you just need to enable them again if you want to use them.
Here’s how.