
WordPress for Android has been updated to version 2.0 and promises to make blogging on your Android device faster and easier. This newest version is chock full of new features including: tablet support, a new UI, and a new Post Editor. While these changes seem to make the whole experience more feasible, I still consider using my phone as a blogging tool to be a last resort option. On the other hand, Blogging from a 10.1″ tablet with laptop dock — something I could get used to. Let’s take a look at this recent update and some of the changes that you’ll see when using WordPress 2.0 for Android.

Google+ received a nice little update yesterday evening, bringing with it some great new features along with the usual bug fixes. With so many new devices coming equipped with front-facing cameras, it was only a matter of time before Google finally added the ability to start hangouts via our phones. That’s one of the main features added into this update along with a few other such as:

Well shiver me timbers! Disney recently released their latest social gaming app Pirates of the Caribbean to the Android Market and it’ll have you living the scurvy life you’ve always dreamed of (eye patch optional). Embark on quests wrapped around the lore from the Pirates of the Caribbean universe as you create ships, build crews and plunder your rivals. The game is free to download and allows any willing scalawag to:

Gameloft has since been known for two things: visually stunning games, and frustration. The quality of their games is obvious and although many will complain they are blatant ‘rip-offs,’ I, for one, welcome them. However, Gameloft’s Android track record isn’t the greatest. They usually make you jump through hoops to get any promotions they offer and up until recently — they hardly released games into the Android Market. Thankfully we’re starting to see Gameloft embrace the Android Market a bit more and that testament comes in their latest release of Modern Combat 3: Fallen Nation. We’ll give you a brief synopsis of the game and let you know about what we’ve been hearing.