Here’s a little treat for all you Tumblrs out there. The Tumblr app for Android just received an update to finally add tablet support! Along with support for tablets, the Tumblr app received a few design changes as well as a new Following screen.
Here’s a little treat for all you Tumblrs out there. The Tumblr app for Android just received an update to finally add tablet support! Along with support for tablets, the Tumblr app received a few design changes as well as a new Following screen.
‘Tis the Season for icy corpses and carnivorous reindeer. Okay, maybe not the reindeer part, but there’s definitely a legion of undead terrorizing the North Pole and spreading Christmas fear. That’s right, our favorite zombie shooter title Dead Trigger has received a freakishly festive holiday update full of cold corpses, new weapons, and a jolly dead soul called Zanta.
Google’s latest holiday promo appears to involve the Play store and a few incognito elves. These elves will be unwrapping a special play offer each day through 1/1/2013. These offers could be anything from special app promotions to saving money within an app. For instance, today’s offer gives anyone who downloads the app Hotel Tonight $35 to use towards their first hotel booking.
If anyone can continually compliment our cans with tantalizing toilet treats, it’s the Japanese. Introducing the Satis: a smartphone controlled toilet that does everything from power washing your bum to playing “I like big butts” on its built-in speaker system.
Pip, pip, cheerio, wot?
The Gentleman is a new Android-only game hitting Google Play right now that brings the endless runner and platformer genre into a new, more posh and genteel era. In it, you help the titular Gentleman find his lost monocles across several levels of puzzling platform-style play.