
If you had any doubts about Amazon announcing its next Kindle line at its September 6th press event, you won’t now. Amazon is clearly lining up its ducks as they have just released their App Store to the European market as well as listing their best selling device, the Kindle Fire, as “Sold Out.”

There’s no way around it, we use our smartphones for just about everything, and sometimes, that’s not such a good idea. One such instance is while driving. The more distractions we introduce while driving, the more dangerous we become to ourselves and others. That’s why manufacturers, lawmakers, and even carriers have been doing their best to keep us focused more on the road and less on our gadgets.

Facebook has had one major thorn in its side for quite some time, and that’s its Android app. For some reason, they just can’t seem to get it right — or just don’t care. Well, it looks like someone in the Facebook camp cares, because some employees are now being required to use Android devices as their only device — so they can see just how bad the app really is.

Samsung is sweetening the pot for anyone considering a Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1. They’ve announced a slew of exclusive content as well as a couple free games now available to all Galaxy Note 10.1 owners. It’s a combination of content from Samsung’s app store as well as the Google Play Store and includes:

Pandora received a much needed update today, bringing a nice new UI along with a slew of other features. The internet radio giant is up against much stiffer competition these days, and if they plan on retaining their user base, they need to keep up with improvements. Thankfully that’s exactly what this latest update provides Android users.

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