
Flash was once viewed as an advantage of the Android platform over its competitors, and now, it’s going the way of the Dodo. If you would have asked me two weeks ago if I would miss it, I would have said no. But after trying to watch NASA’s live feed of the Curiosity moon landing on my Nexus 7 only to be met with a “required plugin is not installed,” I can honestly say I’ll miss it.

Teasing mobile gamers with trailers and screenshots is nothing new for the mobile gaming giant Gameloft, however, what is new, is a trailer for their first game built off of the Unreal Engine. Gamers first caught a glimpse of the new game (that we now know is entitled Wild Blood) thanks to a sole screenshot depicting a gigantic bloody blade towering over a corpse filled battlefield. Gameloft has now followed that up with a short teaser video and a Facebook page for gamers to unravel clues about the game’s story.

International travelers will appreciate today’s Google Translate update. The app, which now sits at version 2.5, has added the ability to translate text taken from a photo as well as general improvements in the app’s functionality. Google Googles has had photo translation for a bit now, but having it built into the translation app makes more sense so I’m glad they added it.

If you happen to be the owner of an Amazon Kindle Fire and enjoy having a large catalog of music at your finger tips, then you’ll be happy to hear that Spotify is now available via the Amazon App Store. It may have taken a while to make its way to Kindle Fire owners, but it should be a welcomed addition to the already multitude of music services available.

Every now and then, Google takes a second (or third) look at some of their projects to determine whether or not they’re worth the effort. Some projects are given the okay to continue, while others, well… they’re not so lucky. Google’s latest fatality is its much neglected podcast player, Google Listen.

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