
Yes, that is a semi-sarcastic title. However, it’s still true. I’ve already professed my animosity towards exlusives like this, but it is what it is. The good news? Those rocking an Xperia device can download and play the popular console add-on Call of Duty: Black Ops Zombies all by themselves for 30 days. After that, it’s open season on the undead.

If you’re looking for a new rubber burning racing game to play on your Android device and have yet to experience EA’s Real Racing 2, you might want to consider picking it up now, while it’s only $0.99. Normally $4.99, Real Racing 2, with its critically-acclaimed racing simulation, has been providing countless hours of gameplay to Android users across the globe, and at its newly discounted price, EA is hoping to attract even more users to the franchise before releasing the highly anticipated Real Racing 3.

So you’ve just picked up a brand new Nexus 7 (or perhaps you’ve had one for a bit) and you’re looking to learn more about it. Sure, you can Google information, check blogs such as Cult of Android, or simply fiddle around, but did you know there’s already a 100 page digital guide book loaded and ready to be read on your Nexus 7?

Google had the Nexus 7 on its mind when it pushed out a couple updates today. First up was Gmail, which didn’t include much other than improved support for 7″ devices (running Android 4.0+). Other than that, they’ve listed “Bug Fixes,” but exactly what bugs they fixed is anyone’s guess. Other improvements listed in the changelog appear to be leftovers but even then, not much to write home about.

The moment many Google Wallet users have been waiting for has finally arrived. Users now have the ability to add any debit or credit card to their Google Wallet account thanks to today’s update. Google has moved the app to the cloud to provide a more secure method of storing your card information. Now, instead of using the secure storage area on your phone, Google stores your payment cards on highly secure Google servers.

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