Posts tagged galaxy-note-ii

Before you get too excited… this deal is for new customers only. Now that we have that out of the way, anyone looking to join the Sprint network and pick up one the hottest Android phones around, can do so at an incredible price thanks to Amazon Wireless.

Developers have discovered a serious vulnerability with Samsung’s Exynos-powered smartphones — including its latest Galaxy S III and Galaxy Note II devices — that can provide attackers with access to all physical memory. The flaw leaves the handsets open to malicious apps that can access a user’s personal data, completely wipe their data, or worse, brick their handset.

Now here’s a pretty neat holiday commercial. Samsung cleverly mashes Kirigami with the Paper Artist app on the Galaxy Note II to create miniature scenes that are simply magical. If you have no idea what Kirigami is, don’t worry, Samsung gives you the definition right before the magic begins.

Now, this is just getting silly. Samsung is said to be developing displays for the next iteration of its popular Galaxy Note — the Galaxy Note III — and according to “officials from a local parts supplier” in Asia, they measure in at 6.3 inches diagonally. That’s 0.75 inches bigger than the Galaxy Note II’s display, and 1.3 inches bigger than the original Galaxy Note’s display.

At which point do we stop calling this handset a smartphone, and start calling it a tablet?

The United Kingdom is a little late to 4G — just a few months ago, 4G networks didn’t exist. Now it has one, EE, which is quickly trying to expand its 4G coverage across the country. It began its rollout in 11 major cities, and the company has announced today that it will be reaching an additional 17 by March 2013.

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