Posts tagged nexus-5


LG’s last two contributions to the Nexus line have undoubtedly been the best Nexus smartphones we’ve seen from Google. Combining high-end specifications and excellent build quality with affordable price tags, they’ve helped make Nexus devices popular not only with developers, but with Android users as well.

But despite the success of these devices, LG hasn’t been called upon to make a Nexus 6.


Samsung’s unannounced Galaxy S5 mini has appeared for a second time ahead of its release in a high-definition hands-on gallery. The photo series provides us with a detailed look at a fully-functional device, and all but confirms its water-resistant form factor, fingerprint scanner, and heartbeat sensor.


If you already have root access on your Nexus 5, you will not be getting the Android 4.4.3 OTA update as the files in the /system partition have been modified. In this case, you will have to manually update your Nexus handset to the latest flavor of KitKat.

However, the update will rewrite the custom recovery with the stock Android recovery and remove root access as well, which means you will have to re-root the handset again. Below is a quick guide which should help you get the job done.


Subsequent to making the official factory images available to the public last night, Google has today started pushing out the much-anticipated Android 4.4.3 KitKat update (build KTU84L) to all Nexus devices located in the United States.


Google has just started rolling out the Android 4.4.3 update for the Nexus 5 and its other Nexus branded siblings. While the company has already uploaded the factory images and binaries on its website, the OTA update is yet to go live.

The Android 4.4.3 update does not really bring with it any major new features or improvements, except for an improved Dialer and People’s app, and is mainly focused on squashing some internal bugs and improving the overall security level of the OS.

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