Posts tagged samsung


Although Samsung has vowed to take its patent fight with Apple all the way to the Supreme Court after welching on a deal to pay Cupertino $548 million in damages, Apple isn’t letting up its assult on the Galaxy-maker. As a Christmas present, Apple just asked for an additional $180 million in damages.

Samsung Pay is finally on the way. Photo: Samsung

Samsung Pay is finally on the way. Photo: Samsung

Apple Pay will finally arrive in China next year, and it’s going to have strong competition from day one. Just hours after Apple announced the expansion of its mobile payment service, Samsung confirmed its own will be following after it struck an almost identical deal with China UnionPay.

Samsung isn't going 4K anytime soon. Photo: Killian Bell/Cult of Android

Samsung isn’t going 4K anytime soon. Photo: Killian Bell/Cult of Android

If you’re already bored with Quad HD displays and you want your next smartphone to pack even more pixels, you may have to avoid buying from Samsung or LG.

Sources say both South Korean companies will avoid 4K smartphone displays in 2016 — and they have plenty of reasons to do so.

Split-screen multitasking could come to Android sooner than expected. Photo: Google

Split-screen multitasking could come to Android sooner than expected. Photo: Google

Google recently revealed that it is working to bring split-screen multitasking to pure Android, and now “trusted sources” are promising it will arrive next June with Android 6.1 Marshmallow.

Qualcomm's next-generation Snapdragon 810 will have an all-new GPU. Photo: Qualcomm

Qualcomm’s next-generation Snapdragon 810 will have an all-new GPU. Photo: Qualcomm

Qualcomm’s new Snapdragon 820 chipset, which is a significant improvement over the Snapdragon 810 in almost every way, could be exclusive to Samsung at first.

A new report claims the South Korean company has agreed a deal that provides it with exclusive rights to the chip until April 2016, preventing rival device makers from using it before then.

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