Posts tagged samsung

Is TouchWiz set for another overhaul? Photo: Killian Bell/Cult of Android

Is TouchWiz set for another overhaul? Photo: Killian Bell/Cult of Android

Google has teamed up with Samsung to help fix its TouchWiz software, according to a new report. The South Korean company has made significant improvements with its latest lineup of devices, but there’s still plenty of room for optimization.

Gear VR is here. Photo: Samsung

Gear VR is here. Photo: Samsung

Samsung’s new Gear VR headset is an early success, selling out on Amazon and Best Buy’s online store following its official debut on Friday. The $99 device is likely to become even more popular in the coming weeks with Samsung’s first Gear VR ad now live.


Apple’s definitely on top right now. Photo: Kārlis Dambrāns/Flickr CC

You know the way that Apple’s heroically struggling to build a new “spaceship” HQ capable of housing its army of brilliant worker ants who design the iPhone? Well, Samsung has an easier solution for managing the size of its phone division: just fire a load of people.

New statistics published courtesy of Korea’s Financial Supervisory Service underline the degree to which Samsung’s smartphone business is struggling — with 5,000 employees booted out of the door over the past year, while 30 percent of execs are expected to follow them in the next month.

Galaxy Note 5 is first in the queue for Marshmallow. Photo: Jim Merithew/Cult of Android

Galaxy Note 5 is first in the queue for Marshmallow. Photo: Jim Merithew/Cult of Android

Samsung’s upgrade plans for Android 6.0 have leaked out early, revealing when the company’s latest crop of smartphones and tablets can expect to receive Marshmallow.

The first device on its list is the Galaxy Note 5, which is scheduled to get its update next month — followed by the Galaxy S6 series in January. Unfortunately for those with a Galaxy Note 3 or a Galaxy S4, Lollipop was the end of the line.

You can already find some awesome Black Friday deals! Photo: DealNews

You can already find some awesome Black Friday deals! Photo: DealNews

With the push from carriers to switch to unsubsidized phone plans (meaning you pay for the full cost of your handset, instead of having it subsidized up front with the cost then hidden in your monthly bill), the entire deal landscape has changed.

That doesn’t mean you can’t find a good deal this Black Friday, though! There are several stores that are already hyping, and we’ve rounded up the best deals we’ve found so far on the latest Android smartphones.

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